Dr. Tilicia Mayo-Gamble receives Diversity Supplement from NHLBI

May 13, 2020

Congratulations to Dr. Tilicia Mayo-Gamble, FTG Cohort 7, on her Diversity Supplement from NHLBI. 

Project Title: Integration of Community Health Workers into a Patient-Centered Medical Home

Goal: The goals of this project are to build on our understanding of the role of community health workers in the evidence-based management of sickle cell disease and to identify challenges and facilitators of integrating a community health worker into a clinical care team.

Aims: 1)  Assess the feasibility of integrating a community health worker into a patient-centered coordinate care team; 2) Evaluate the efficacy of the integrated model on self-care, patient satisfaction, and clinical outcomes; and 3) Determine the acceptability of the intervention and protocol among patients and care team members.

