August 07, 2020
Congratulations to Dr. Tiffany Carson, RISE Cohort 4, on being award 2 R01s from NIDDK and NCI.
R01DK125367 (Carson) 07/01/20 - 06/30/25
Improving Weight Loss Outcomes of Black Women using a Culturally-Relevant Stress-Management Enhanced Behavioral Weight Loss Intervention
This randomized controlled trial will test the effectiveness of a 12-month culturally-targeted, stress management-enhanced behavioral weight loss (BWL) intervention on weight loss and stress reduction in a fully powered randomized, controlled trial to determine the effects on body weight of BWL-Stress compared to BWL-Alone among adult black females with obesity and elevated stress, and evaluate intervention effects on psychological stress.
R01CA253219 (Carson) 08/01/20 - 07/31/25
Determining the Structural- and Functional-Level Effects of Diet-Specific Interventions on the Gut Microbiota of a Racially Diverse Sample of Southern United States Adults
The overall objective of this protocol is to test the effects of the DASH diet on the gut microbiota and other physiologic markers among a racially diverse sample of adults. We aim to determine whether consumption of the DASH diet over a 4-week time frame significantly changes the gut microbiota and whether changes are similar across racial groups.