Dr. Danielle Arigo Receives Two Publications

June 28, 2021

Congratulations to Dr. Danielle Arigo, CVD Cohort 4, on her two recent publications. 

1. Arigo, D., Ainsworth, M.C., Pasko, K., Brown, M.M., & Travers, L. (2021). Predictors of change in BMI over 10 years among midlife and older adults: Associations with gender, CVD risk status, depressive symptoms, and social support. Social Science & Medicine, 279, 113995. (Lay summary and infographic here: https://bit.ly/35Ix1cu.)

2. Arigo, D., Mogle, J.A., & Smyth, J.M. (in press). Relations between social comparisons and physical activity among women in midlife with elevated risk for cardiovascular disease: An ecological momentary assessment study. Journal of Behavioral Medicine. (Lay summary and infographic here: bit.ly/3d1qddR.)
