Assistant Professor Position The University of Memphis

September 16, 2021

Assistant Professor in Clinical Psychology

 The University of Memphis Department of Psychology invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position in Clinical Psychology at the Assistant Professor level to begin August 2022. The area of emphasis within Clinical Psychology is open, and we are primarily seeking applicants whose research and training interests include a focus on diversity science, BIPOC health, and/or prevention or intervention research with understudied/under-represented/under-reported (U3) populations. Memphis provides a rich context for those wanting to conduct research on racial and ethnic minority and underserved populations. Our department is committed to welcoming faculty, students, and staff from varied backgrounds and intersectional identities because we recognize that a diverse, equitable, and inclusive department enhances opportunities for deeper learning and community impact. We seek colleagues who share our values regarding diversity and social justice.

 Successful candidates will have earned a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from an APA-accredited program. Additionally, we seek candidates who demonstrate a potential for grant funding and whose research addresses a significant public health priority. Opportunities exist for supervision towards licensure and for research mentorship from senior clinical faculty.

 The Psychology Department consists of more than 30 full-time faculty members, 125 graduate students, and 900 undergraduate majors. Graduate degree programs include APA-accredited doctoral programs in Clinical Psychology and School Psychology; a doctoral program in Experimental Psychology; a master’s degree program in General Psychology; and a M.A./Ed.S. Program in School Psychology. Additional information on the Department of Psychology is available at

 Applicants must upload a curriculum vitae; a cover letter describing research and teaching interests; a diversity, equity, and inclusion statement; contact information for three professional reference providers; and three selected publications. Review of applicants will begin on September 30, 2021 and may continue until the position is filled. Applicants interested in this position should direct inquiries to Clinical Search Committee Co-Chairs Kathryn Howell, Ph.D. ( or James Murphy, Ph.D. (


Applications can be submitted at the following website:
