Assistant/Associate/Full Professor - Biostatistics, Arizona State University

November 08, 2021

Arizona State University: Office of the University Provost Downtown: College of Health Solutions


Phoenix, AZ

Open Date

Aug 14, 2021


The Arizona State University’s College of Health Solutions (CHS) is seeking a full-time, 9-month tenure-eligible/tenured faculty member at the rank of Assistant, Associate or Full Professor in the area of biostatistics to join the CHS Biostatistics Core, and to establish a new Academic Program in Biostatistics.  The anticipated start date is Spring 2022. We particularly encourage applications from candidates with a strong potential (Assistant Professor level) or track record (Associate/Full Professor level) in developing and applying new biostatistical methodologies in basic, clinical or population science, and applied interdisciplinary biomedical and collaborative research.  The successful candidate will have a strong independent research portfolio in a relevant area of study, strong potential for contributing to team science efforts at CHS and the wider ASU community, and/or for developing close collaborations with CHS investigators, and strong commitment to excellence in teaching and mentoring.  As a member of the Biostatistics Program, this position will be expected to spend certain time effort providing biostatistical support (e.g., designing experiments, developing novel analytical approaches, participating in grant applications and publication efforts) to CHS and ASU faculty and collaborators.  The candidate for an Associate/Full Professor position should have demonstrated a strong leadership potential, and is anticipated to assume a director role of the Biostatistics Core.  An initial contribution for this position is establishing a new Academic Program in Biostatistics along with developing a PhD and MS degrees in Biostatistics.  Teaching and mentoring at undergraduate and graduate level is an expectation.  Faculty will have opportunities to design courses that align with their research expertise.    


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