FTG - Drs. Keesha Powell-Roach, Susan Campbell, and Antentor O. Hinton Jr. Have Four Manuscripts Published

August 29, 2022

Congratulations to Drs. Keesha Powell-Roach, Susan Campbell, and Antentor O. Hinton Jr., FTG Cohort 8, on their four manuscript publications. 

  1. Spencer, E. C., Neikirk, K., Campbell, S. L., Powell-Roach, K. L., Morton, D., Shuler, H., Murray, S.A., Hinton, A. J. (In Press Aug 2022). Intentional and Unintentional Benefits if Minority Writing Accountability Groups. Trends in Microbiology.
  2. Marshall, A. G., Palavicino-Maggio, C. B., Neikirk, K., Vue, Z., Beasley, H. K., Garza-Lopez, E., Murray, S., Martinez, D., Crabtree, A., Conley, Z. C., Vang, L., Davis, J. S., Powell-Roach, K. L., Campbell, S., Dal, A. B., Shao, B., Alexander, S., Vang, N., Vue, N., Vue, M., Shuler, H., Spencer, E. C., Morton, D., Hinton, A. (2022). Using Champion-Oriented Mindset to Overcome the Challenges of Graduate School: Impact of Workshop for Graduate School Skills on Underrepresented Minority Retention. Pathogens and Disease. https://doi.org/10.1093/femspd/ftac024
  3. Marshall , A., Vue, Z., Palavicino-Maggio, C., Neikirk, K., Beasley, H. K., Garza Lopez, E., Murray, S., Crabtree, A., Conley, Z. C., Vang, L., Davis, J. S., Powell-Roach, K. L., Martinez , D., Campbell, S., Brady, L., Dal, A. B., Shao, B., Alexander, S., Vang, N., Vue, N., Vue, M., Shuler, H., Spencer, E. C., Morton, D.,  Hinton, A. (June 2022). An effective workshop on “How to be an Effective Mentor for Underrepresented STEM Trainees”. Pathogens and Disease. https://doi.org/10.1093/femspd/ftac022
  4. Marshall, A., Vue, Z., Palavicino-Maggio, C., Neikirk, K., Beasley, H. K., Garza Lopez, E., Murray, S., Martinez, D., Crabtree, A., Conley, Z. C., Vang, L., Davis, J. S., Powell-Roach, K. L., Campbell, S., Brandy, L., Dal, A. B., Shao, B., Alexander, S., Vang, N., Vue, N., Vue, M., Shuler, H., and Spencer, E., Morton, D., Hinton, A. (Jun 2022). The role of mentoring in promoting diversity equity and inclusion in STEM education and research. Pathogens and Disease. https://doi.org/10.1093/femspd/ftac019