FTG - Dr. Athena Starlard-Davenport Receives Award from the Daughters of the American Revolution

October 16, 2023

Dr. Athena Starlard-Davenport, FTG Cohort 5, received an award from the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR):

The emphasis of DAR Women in American History is on the role of women, past and present, in American History. Chapters are encouraged to select a notable woman from their state or community to honor. March is officially “Women’s History Month,” so chapters may wish to use this occasion to acknowledge the outstanding contribution of the woman of their choice.

 Chapters are encouraged to choose a woman to honor for this recognition by taking into consideration women who have made a contribution or made a difference in their communities. She could be a historical entity or currently alive and worthy of recognition. Look for women who are, or have been, intellectual, educational, social, religious, political, scientific, or cultural innovators. The woman or women being honored may be DAR members, prospective DAR members, or non-members.
