Dr. Donaldson Conserve Published in PLoS One
June 02, 2020
Congratulations to Dr. Donaldson Conserve, BSM Cohort 5, on his publication, "Local and national stakeholders’ perceptions towards implementing and scaling up HIV self-testing and secondary distribution of HIV self-testing by Option B+ patients as an assisted partner service strategy to reach men in Haiti"
Dr. Leah Robinson Promoted to Full Professor
June 01, 2020
Congratulations to Dr. Leah Robinson, BSM Cohort 2, on her promotion to Full Professor, Applied Exercise and Movement Science, at University of Michigan! Dr. Robinson also serves as the Director, Child Movement Activity, & Developmental Health Laboratory, Program Chair for Movement Science, and as a Research Professor, Center for Human Growth and Development.
Global Study to Test Malaria Drug to Protect Health Workers from COVID-19
May 27, 2020
With $9 million in philanthropic support, an international group of physicians and scientists is establishing a research network to evaluate promising therapies for COVID-19. The group, called the COVID-19 Research Outcomes Worldwide Network (CROWN) Collaborative, is testing whether the antimalaria drug chloroquine can prevent COVID-19 infection or decrease its severity in front-line health-care workers. An estimated 30,000 such workers from across the globe will participate in the clinical trial, which the collaborative is calling the CROWN CORONATION trial.
Hematology Psychologist Position, Atrium Health
May 27, 2020
LCI is searching for a Psychologist to join their Sickle Cell / Hematology team in Charlotte, NC. This Psychologist will provide psychological services to individuals with sickle cell disease and hemoglobinopathies across the lifespan who have emotional and psychological challenges in a comprehensive clinical setting working collaboratively with the medical team to establish treatment plans that optimize their overall outcomes. Responsibilities include:
- Attending meetings and serving on committees within LCI and the community as appropriate.
- Participating in research and quality Improvement as appropriate
- Training professional team members involved in the care of the patient about appropriate observational methods and behavior management techniques, and appropriate supportive roles in the patient's neuropsychological treatment.
- Clinical supervision for assigned Master's Level Psychologist, Psychometrist, and Masters or Doctoral candidate students roles in the patient's neuropsychological treatment. Candidates must hold a Ph.D. or Psy.D. degree in Clinical Psychology including a full time 1 year pre-doctoral internship required. Completion of a full-time two year post-doctoral fellowship with training in chronic disease, chronic pain or similar field preferred. Ability to perform neuropsychological testing a plus.
Dr. Senu Apewokin Receives K08
May 18, 2020
Congratulations to Dr. Senu Apewokin, PRIDE CVD-CGE Cohort 5 as PI for receiving a K08, “Harnessing Induced Human Intestinal Organoids (iHIOs) and Metagenomics to Unravel Host Immune-microbiota Interactions During Cancer Chemotherapy-associated Clostridium difficile Infections” from NCI.
Dr. Donald Lynch Featured in Article Regarding COVID-19
May 18, 2020
Dr. Donald Lynch, FTG Cohort 7, was recently featured in an article, "UC Researchers Look at How COVID-19 Affects the Heart." Congratulations to Dr. Lynch.
9 affects the heart
Vice Dean of Research Position UC Davis
May 18, 2020
The University of California, Davis School of Medicine is recruiting for a Vice Dean for Research at the Full Professor level in the Regular, Regular/In Residence, In Residence, or Clinical X series, with faculty responsibilities in clinical, research, and/or teaching duties in an appropriate academic department.
The Vice Dean for Research reports to the Dean of the School of Medicine and serves the School of Medicine on the Sacramento and Davis campuses. The Vice Dean will enable the success of basic, translational, clinical and social/behavioral/population researchers by providing leadership, vision, and mentoring as well as playing a facilitative role through positive relationships with campus-wide administration. The Vice Dean should have a vision for the future of research in academic health systems that includes innovation and collaboration that benefits patient care, promotes scientific advancements and will expand and diversify the research portfolio for the School of Medicine.
A detailed description, as well as, eligibility and application criteria for this opportunity is available at https://recruit.ucdavis.edu/JPF03414.
Dr. Sharon Jones-Eversley Shares Insights on COVID with Philadelphia Inquirer
May 18, 2020
Below is an article that offers an unique perspective to COVID-19 from the lens of Thanatology andSocial Epidemiology. In the narrative and audio, Dr. Sharon D. Jones-Eversley, CVD Cohort 3, shares concerns about death disparities and chronic death exposures among Black families and communities who are disproportionately impacted by COVID-19. Here is a link to the story, which made the front page: https://www.inquirer.com/news/coronavirus-black-deaths-philadelphia-terry-funeral-home-covid19-race-disparity-homegoing-burials-20200504.html
May 18, 2020
Congratulations to Dr. Leah Robinson, BSM Cohort 2, for receiving her R01 "The Champ Afterschool Program: Promoting Physical Activity & Health in Children" from National Institute of Nursing Research.
Dr. Tesfaye Mersha Published on COVID-19 and Racial Disparities
May 18, 2020
Congratulations to Dr. Tesfaye Mersha, CVD-CGE Cohort 3, on his publication, "Air Pollution, Racial Disparities, and COVID-19 Mortality".