
Dr. Donald Lynch Receives K23

April 10, 2020

Congratulations to Dr. Donald Lynch, FTG Cohort 7, for receiving a K23, "Platelets and Hemostatic Factors as Facilitators of the Inflammatory Response Following Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement" from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI). 

Dr. Keith Norris appointed as Executive Vice Chair for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion for the Department of Medicine at UCLA

March 02, 2020

Dr. Keith Norris was recently appointed to be the  Executive Vice Chair, Department of Medicine – for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion.

Dr. Norris’ goal is for us to become the exemplar Department of Medicine program in the nation for advancing diversity, equity and inclusion for residents, fellows and faculty in the context of scientific excellence, outstanding scholarship and the highest level of compassionate, high quality care for our patients.
This new EDI program will be the home for the Diversity Equity and Inclusion Committee and will continue the committee’s work to create a diverse biomedical and clinical work force, and an inclusive patient care, training and work environment within the department of medicine. These and other new efforts will complement existing DGSOM diversity initiatives and will integrate into the various DOM divisional strategies, while working with the School of Medicine office for Equity Diversity and Inclusion.
In this role Dr. Norris looks forward to working with the many individuals who already have and continue to make huge efforts in DOM toward these goals as well as to support others who are willing to assist to achieve this goal. We should all thank Dr. Fogelman and the DOM leadership, as well as Dr. Christina Harris and the DOM Diversity Equity and Inclusion Committee for their commitment to this vision and confidence in Dr. Norris to lead this initiative.
Dr. Norris looks forward to getting input from GIM and the entire DOM community as the office develops its strategic plan and priorities.


UCLA Announcement 

Category: Uncategorized

Dr. Roland J. Thorpe Jr. Promoted to Full Professor

March 02, 2020

Dr. Girardin Jean-Louis Recognized as Pioneer Researcher

March 02, 2020


As we celebrate #BlackHistoryMonth this year, we are recognizing pioneer researchers in #MinorityHealth and #HealthDisparities, whose career trajectory has been shaped by the NIMHD-sponsored Loan Repayment Program and subsequent research program grants. Join us for a conversation with Dr. Girardin Jean-Louis on how he has dedicated his research to reducing health disparities. Learn More: NYU Grossman School of Medicine

here's the link:



Category: Uncategorized

Boston University School of Public Health Full-time Faculty Positions, Department of Epidemiology

January 27, 2020

The Department of Epidemiology at the Boston University School of Public Health (BUSPH) is seeking applicants to join our vibrant body of faculty researchers and educators. This is an open rank recruitment. Candidates whose scholarship addresses contemporary public health problems with creative and innovative approaches are encouraged to apply. Successful candidates will have an established track record of external funding support for epidemiologic research.

Job posting. 

Former PRIDE CVD Scholars Publication

January 27, 2020

Congratulations to Drs. Antwan Jones and Hadii Mamuda, both CVD Cohort 3, on their publication, Mortgage possessions, spatial inequality, and obesity in large US metropolitan areas.



Tenure Track Position Georgia State University

November 20, 2019

The Gerontology Institute at Georgia State University (GSU) invites applications for a tenure-track appointment at the rank of Assistant Professor beginning August 2020, pending budgetary approval. We seek scholars with substantive research interest in Aging and Health Disparities and/or Global Health. With a mission to make a positive impact in the lives of older adults, the GSU Gerontology Institute is a large and comprehensive program offering a Masters of Arts, Graduate and Undergraduate Certificates, and a Bachelors of Interdisciplinary Studies. The Gerontology Institute faculty and students are highly research active, interdisciplinary, community-engaged, and collaborative

 Full Job Description 


Senior Rank Professor of Kinesiology UVA

November 20, 2019

  • The Department of Kinesiology in the Curry School of Education and Human Development at the University of Virginia seeks applicants for an Associate or Full Professor in the area of Physical Activity and Health Disparities. This is a salaried, 9-month tenured/ tenure track position. 
  • Building on the premise that “exercise is medicine”, UVA’s Department of Kinesiology seeks to hire a senior faculty member to advance the science and implementation of precision exercise and physical activity interventions aimed at improving health outcomes among individuals of different racial, ethnic, socioeconomic, or otherwise underrepresented groups. The successful candidate will demonstrate expertise in addressing physical activity disparities through targeted interventions, drawing upon social and behavioral science theories in an effort to positively impact broader health and wellness disparities among disadvantaged groups.

    Applicants should have a significant record of scholarly productivity and research that clearly aligns with at least one of the three existing graduate program areas: Athletic Training & Sports Medicine, Exercise Physiology & Nutrition, or Kinesiology for Individuals with Disabilities.

University of Connecticut, Human Development and Family Sciences Position

November 20, 2019

The Department of Human Development and Family Sciences (HDFS) at the University of Connecticut invites applications for an Open Rank Professor (tenured/tenure-track) position as part of a College-wide cluster hire of three faculty in the area of ethnic/racial health disparities, with an anticipated start date of August 23, 2020. Examples of areas of specialization within health disparities may include: minority health, social and economic disadvantage, health equity, social and environmental determinants of disease, development and dissemination of population-specific interventions, and policy related to prevention and treatment services. These hires demonstrate UConn's and the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences’ commitments to diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Full Job Description 

Position-Center for Health Equity Transformation College of Medicine, University of Kentucky

September 23, 2019


We are seeking Assistant, Associate, or Full Professors for tenure track, Regular Title Series, full time (12 month) positions in the newly established Center for Health Equity Transformation (CHET) in the College of Medicine at the University of Kentucky. We seek health equity researchers with a dynamic, productive research agenda that aims to eliminate inequities in cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and obesity, substance abuse, or other health conditions. The Center for Health Equity Transformation is a transdisciplinary research center focused on developing the most innovative and impactful research and training portfolio. This position is part of a university-college-wide interdisciplinary cluster hire in health equity.

The ideal candidate will have NIH-funded research or a very strong promise of such funding; maintain a focus on rural, racial/ethnic, and other vulnerable populations; aspire to engage in research mentorship, and contribute to a vibrant environment of scholars from the behavioral sciences, public health, social sciences, communication, health services research, biomedical informatics, health sciences (nursing, medicine, nutrition, etc.), and others. Special emphasis is placed on intervention, dissemination, and implementation scientists. All career stages are welcome. Attractive start up package, premium and contiguous space, and excellent benefits will be provided. The University of Kentucky is located in the beautiful, progressive, and accessible city of Lexington. Lexington, with over 250,000 residents, offers a high quality of life, affordability and a well educated population.


Position Description

Faculty members will be expected to conduct innovative, rigorous, grant funded research and engage in scholarly activities (peer reviewed publications, presentations, etc.). Faculty members also will contribute to the research training of UK students and postdoctoral scholars associated with the Center for Health Equity Transformation, including mentorship programs, workshops, and supervised research. Faculty members also are expected to engage in broader research and training initiatives across all 16 Colleges of the University of Kentucky, including Colleges of Arts and Sciences, Public Health, Nursing, Communication and Information Sciences, Health Sciences, etc. These initiatives include grant consultation and review; a dynamic speaker series and other enriching events; pilot project competitions; and outreach to the lay public.



Candidates must hold a Ph.D. or equivalent in Behavioral Sciences, Public Health, Social Sciences, Communication, Health Services Research, Bioinformatics, Health Sciences, or other related fields. Training and experience in intervention, dissemination, and implementation science and health equity is strongly desired.  The successful candidate must have demonstrated research experience in the fields of cancer, CVD, diabetes/obesity or substance abuse.

Percentage of Time and Effort

Research/Scholarly Activities                                                                          80%

Instructional activities                                                                                        10% 

Professional Development                                                                               5%

Service to Department, Collect, University or Professional Organizations      5%      


Criteria for Appointment, Promotion and/or Tenure

The annual performance evaluations will be guided by the criteria described in Administrative Regulations (AR-II-I.0-5). The evaluation for promotion and/or tenure will be guided by the criterion described in Administrative Regulations (AR-II-1.0-1, Page III and IV) as follows:

Assistant Professor

Appointment or promotion to the rank of assistant professor shall be made after it has been determined that the individual has capability for excellent research productivity (publications, presentation, grants) and training capacity, as attested to by colleagues, mentees, mentors and peers at the local level.


Associate Professor

Appointment or promotion to associate professor shall be made only after a candidate has met the criteria for assistant professor and has demonstrated high scholarly achievements commensurate with his/her assignment in the areas of: (1) research as demonstrated by grantsmanship, publications, presentations, and other activities; (2) training, mentoring, and other instructional activities; (3) professional, university and public service. An indication of continuous improvement and research contributions should be evident as documented by the candidate. Further, the individual should have earned external recognition for excellence in his/her scholarly activities. This recognition should be on a national level as appropriate to the field of assignment.



Appointment or promotion to full professor shall be made only after a candidate has met the criteria for associate professor and has demonstrated high scholarly achievements commensurate with his/her assignment in areas of in the areas of: (1) research as demonstrated by grantsmanship, publications, presentations, and other activities; (2) training, mentoring, and other instructional activities; (3) professional, university and public service. Such an appointment implies that, in the opinion of colleagues, the candidate’s scholarship is excellent and, in addition, s/he has earned a high level of professional recognition on a national or international level. It should be stressed further that this rank is in recognition of attainment rather than length of service.

 Applications will be accepted on the UK Jobs website under requisition FE02074 and FE02075. The title is listed as “Assistant, Associate, or Professor in Behavioral Science.” and


Application review will begin October 1, 2019 and will continue until the appropriate candidates are identified.

For more information, please contact:

Nancy Schoenberg, Director, Center for Health Equity Transformation ( or

Carrie Oser, Associate Director, Center for Health Equity Transformation (


CHET description 
