
BSM - Dr. Anna Norweg Published in Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology

May 03, 2023

Dr. Anna Norweg, BSM Cohort 9, was recently published in Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology. 

Exercise intolerance associated with impaired oxygen extraction in patients with long COVID

Postdoctoral Position at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

May 03, 2023

The position is at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in the Health Disparities Research Department (HDR) of the Division of Cancer Prevention & Population Sciences in Houston, TX. HDR supports a portfolio of investigator-initiated grants, and develops funding opportunities and research resources to reduce, and ultimately eliminate, disparities in cancer incidence, morbidity and mortality and cancer-related behavior through research and education addressing the determinants of disparities as well as interventions and policies designed to eliminate disparities. MDACC has extensive resources for post-doctoral scholars, such as weekly grand rounds, training workshops, grant writing workshops, writing assistance, library support, and statistical support. Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled. The start date is negotiable.

The postdoctoral fellow will work with the Dr. Larkin Strong and a multidisciplinary team of collaborators on an NIH-funded R01 study, Women on the Move.  Women on the Move is a randomized controlled trial testing the efficacy of a dyadic motivational and social support intervention for promoting physical activity in inactive, predominantly Black and Latina women.  The fellow will contribute to project oversight and planning, conduct analyses, prepare and submit manuscripts, develop grant proposals, and develop an independent program of research. Opportunities to work on additional projects are also available.  The fellow will work with the PI to apply for a diversity supplement to Dr. Strong’s R01 and thus candidates should be a member of a group considered by the NIH to be underrepresented in health-related research. This includes individuals who are Black or African American, Hispanic or Latino, American Indian or Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islanders. Individuals with disabilities and those from disadvantaged backgrounds are also eligible. Additional information can be found in PA-21-071.

Full Posting 

CVD-CGE - Dr. Diana Martinez Receives Two Honors/Awards

May 03, 2023

Dr. Diana Martinez, CVD-CGE Cohort 9, recently received two honors/awards:

  1. American Physiological Society – New Investigator Award (Just got this on the 22nd)
  2. New Jersey Institute of Technology – Rising Alumnus Award (officially receiving on May 4th).

FTG - Dr. Abena Appiah-Kubi Promoted to Associate Professor

May 03, 2023

Dr. Abena Appiah-Kubi, FTG Cohort 2, has been promoted to Associate Professor - Cohen Children's Medical Center of New York. 

AIRE - Dr. Brittany Smalls Receives Dr. Claire Louise Caudill Professorship

May 03, 2023

Dr. Brittany Smalls, AIRE Cohort 6, is the newest recipient of the Dr. Claire Louise Caudill Professorship in Family Medicine.  This professorship will help support Dr. Smalls’ research endeavors.  The professorship was created by Dr. Caudill to support faculty with outstanding contributions to research and education in the field of Family Medicine. 

AIRE - Dr. Arthur Owora Receives K01 and an R03

May 03, 2023

Dr. Arthur Owora, AIRE Cohort 9, recently received both a K01 and an R03. 

K01: Developing a Childhood Asthma Risk Passive Digital Marker 

R03: Developing a Passive Digital Marker for the Predication of Childhood Asthma Treatment Response 

AIRE - Dr. Arthur Owora Promoted to Associate Professor

May 03, 2023

Dr. Arthur Owora, AIRE Cohort 9, has been promoted to Associate Professor in the Department of Pediatrics at Indiana University School of Medicine. 

3 Endowed Chair Positions - UCSF

May 03, 2023

UCSF has 3 new endowed chair positions to enhance diversity among physician-scientists in the Division of Medicine. 

Job Postings 

Predoctoral & Postdoctoral Research Fellowships in Cardiovascular Health Inequalities at Emory University

April 26, 2023

The Department of Epidemiology at the Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University, is seeking pre- and postdoctoral fellows for a NHLBI-funded training grant in cardiovascular diseases and related conditions. The program focuses on broadly-defined health inequalities, including, among others, factors such as race/ethnicity, sex/gender, socioeconomic status, and geographical residence.

Housed in the Department of Epidemiology, the training program is affiliated with several other departments and schools including Public Health, Cardiology, Medicine, Nursing, and the Morehouse School of Medicine. The program combines training in graduate degree programs in the Rollins School of Public Health with multidisciplinary research experiences working with top investigators in cardiovascular sciences from diverse disciplines, from basic sciences to epidemiology, cardiology, genetics, interventions, and health policy. The training follows a mentor-based model with formal didactic work in areas relevant to research in cardiovascular health inequalities (e.g., statistics, epidemiology, social determinants of health, and cardiovascular physiology), and practical training in grantsmanship, research ethics, and career development.


Full posting

CVD- CGE - Dr. Marc Cook Published in Sports

April 17, 2023

Dr. Marc Cook, CVD-CGE Cohort 10, was recently published in Sports. 

Low Energy Availability (LEA) and Hypertension in Black Division I Collegiate Athletes: A Novel Pilot Study

