RISE - Dr. Alison Cerezo Invited to Speak at Brown University
November 03, 2022
Dr. Alison Cerezo, RISE Cohort 7, has been invited to speak at Brown University's Innovations in Behavioral and Social Health Sciences seminar series.
CVD and RISE - Multiple Scholars Published in Circulation: Heart Failure
November 03, 2022
Drs. Onyedika Ilonze, CVD Cohort 9, Denise Vidot, CVD Cohort 6, Khadijah Breathett, RISE cohort 7, and Marlene Camacho-Rivera, CVD Cohort 5, have been published in Circulation: Heart Failure.
University of Miami School of Nursing and Health Studies, Coral Gables, FL (D.C.V.). Heart transplantation (HT) remains the optimal therapy for many patients with advanced heart failure. Use of substances of potential abuse has historically been a contraindication to HT. Decriminalization of ...
RISE - Dr. Erica Farrand Receives LRP and Development Award
November 03, 2022
Dr. Erica Farrand, RISE Cohort 8, has received an NIH Loan Repayment Award through NHLBI.
She also received a Doris Duke Charitable Foundation Clinical Scientist Development Award.
FTG - Dr. Eboni Lance Promoted to Associate Professor
November 03, 2022
Dr. Eboni Lance, FTG Cohort 5, has been promoted to Associate Professor at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.
FTG - Dr. Mallory Perry-Eaddy Receives LRP
October 28, 2022
Dr. Mallory Perry-Eaddy, FTG Cohort 10, has received an LRP 2-year renewal from NHLBI for her project, PEdiatric Recovery after sepSIS Treatment in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (Persist-PICU).
AIRE - Dr. David Garcia Awarded NIMHD Early Career Investigator Award
October 10, 2022
Dr. David Garcia of AZ PRIDE has been awarded the NIMHD Early Career Investigator Award is presented to individuals who have achieved recognition in minority health and health disparities research.
AIRE - Dr. Francesca Duncan Named Co-Chair
October 10, 2022
Congratulations to Dr. Francesca Duncan, AIRE Cohort 9, on being named co-chair of the Equity and Inclusion Committee at Indiana University.
AIRE - Dr. Melisa Celaya Has Abstract Selected for Poster Presentation
October 10, 2022
Dr. Melisa Celaya's (Cohort 9) abstract entitled “Development of a Macronutrient Nutritional Program for Patients With Obstructive Sleep Apnea” has been accepted for a poster presentation at The Obesity Society Annual Meeting, to be held at ObesityWeek®
AIRE - Dr. Amanda Wilson Selected for the Arizona DPR Technical Advisory Group
October 10, 2022
Congratulations to Dr. Amanda Wilson (Cohort 9) on being selected for the Arizona DPR Technical Advisory Group. Here’s a blurb that ENVS put out on some faculty from their department that was also selected: Link to article
AIRE- Dr. Mario Perez Promoted to Associate Professor
October 10, 2022
Congratulations to Dr. Mario Perez, AIRE Cohort 7, on his recent promotion to Associate Professor of Medicine, Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine at UCONN HEALTH