OHD- Dr. Jamila Kwarteng Receives Diversity Supplement from NCATS
September 02, 2022
Congratulations to Dr. Jamila Kwarteng, OHD cohort 9, on receiving a Diversity Supplement entitled, "Community-Academic partnerships with CTSI: Assessing the level of readiness for churches to engage in health promotion activities" from NCATS.
AIRE - Dr. Brittany Smalls Has LRP Renewed
September 02, 2022
Congratulations to Dr. Brittany Smalls, AIRE Cohort 6, on having her LRP renewed.
FTG - Dr. Benjamin J. Becerra Named AIM-AHEAD Research Fellow
September 02, 2022
Congratulations to Dr. Benjamin J. Becerra, FTG Cohort 7, on being named a fellow to the NIH's Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning Consortium to Advance Health Equity and Researcher Diversity (AIM-AHEAD) program.
CVD-CGE - Dr. Diana Martinez Receives LRP
September 02, 2022
Congratulations to Dr. Diana Martinez, CVD-CGE Cohort 9, on receiving an LRP from the pediatric research LRP. This was her first application.
CVD-CGE - Dr. Imo Ebong Receives R21
August 29, 2022
Congratulations to Dr. Imo Ebong, CVD-CGE cohort 8, on receiving an R21, "Adipokines, Sex Hormones and Cardiac Dysfunction in Postmenopausal Women of the MESA Study – An analysis of Secondary" from NHLBI.
RISE- Dr. Sharmilee Nyenhuis Receives R01
August 29, 2022
Congratulations to Dr. Sharmilee Nyenhuis, RISE Cohort 5, on receiving an R01 "ACTION (physicAl aCtiviTy In minOrity womeN with asthma) intervention: Efficacy to Implementation" from NIMHD.
CVD- Dr. Loni Tabb Receives NSF Grant
August 29, 2022
Congratulations to Dr. Loni Tabb, CVD Cohort 5, on being awarded an NSF Grant, "Women in Natural Sciences: A Longitudinal Comparative Case Study of Black Women in STEMM (1995-2015)" as a Co-PI at Drexel University.
CVD-CGE: Dr. Angelico Mendy Receives R01
August 29, 2022
Congratulations to Dr. Angelico Mendy, CVD-CGE Cohort 9, on receiving an R01, "Childhood and In utero Exposure to Organophosphate and Replacement Brominated Flame Retardants and Child Respiratory Outcomes" from National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS).
FTG - Drs. Keesha Powell-Roach, Susan Campbell, and Antentor O. Hinton Jr. Have Four Manuscripts Published
August 29, 2022
Congratulations to Drs. Keesha Powell-Roach, Susan Campbell, and Antentor O. Hinton Jr., FTG Cohort 8, on their four manuscript publications.
- Spencer, E. C., Neikirk, K., Campbell, S. L., Powell-Roach, K. L., Morton, D., Shuler, H., Murray, S.A., Hinton, A. J. (In Press Aug 2022). Intentional and Unintentional Benefits if Minority Writing Accountability Groups. Trends in Microbiology.
- Marshall, A. G., Palavicino-Maggio, C. B., Neikirk, K., Vue, Z., Beasley, H. K., Garza-Lopez, E., Murray, S., Martinez, D., Crabtree, A., Conley, Z. C., Vang, L., Davis, J. S., Powell-Roach, K. L., Campbell, S., Dal, A. B., Shao, B., Alexander, S., Vang, N., Vue, N., Vue, M., Shuler, H., Spencer, E. C., Morton, D., Hinton, A. (2022). Using Champion-Oriented Mindset to Overcome the Challenges of Graduate School: Impact of Workshop for Graduate School Skills on Underrepresented Minority Retention. Pathogens and Disease. https://doi.org/10.1093/femspd/ftac024
- Marshall , A., Vue, Z., Palavicino-Maggio, C., Neikirk, K., Beasley, H. K., Garza Lopez, E., Murray, S., Crabtree, A., Conley, Z. C., Vang, L., Davis, J. S., Powell-Roach, K. L., Martinez , D., Campbell, S., Brady, L., Dal, A. B., Shao, B., Alexander, S., Vang, N., Vue, N., Vue, M., Shuler, H., Spencer, E. C., Morton, D., Hinton, A. (June 2022). An effective workshop on “How to be an Effective Mentor for Underrepresented STEM Trainees”. Pathogens and Disease. https://doi.org/10.1093/femspd/ftac022
- Marshall, A., Vue, Z., Palavicino-Maggio, C., Neikirk, K., Beasley, H. K., Garza Lopez, E., Murray, S., Martinez, D., Crabtree, A., Conley, Z. C., Vang, L., Davis, J. S., Powell-Roach, K. L., Campbell, S., Brandy, L., Dal, A. B., Shao, B., Alexander, S., Vang, N., Vue, N., Vue, M., Shuler, H., and Spencer, E., Morton, D., Hinton, A. (Jun 2022). The role of mentoring in promoting diversity equity and inclusion in STEM education and research. Pathogens and Disease. https://doi.org/10.1093/femspd/ftac019
CVD - Dr. S. Raquel Ramos was 2022 Scholar at NIH Summer Institute
August 26, 2022
Congratulations to Dr. S. Raquel Ramos, CVD Cohort 8, on being a 2022 scholar at the NIH Summer institute on Randomized Behavioral Clinical Trials.