
ASN Foundation Undergraduate Diversity Research Fellowship

January 05, 2023

The ASN Foundation Undergraduate Diversity Research Fellowship (UDRF) were created to promote diversity in the field of nutrition through long-term change. The UDRF is designed to provide direct funding for undergraduate research projects that may have an impact to the broader field of nutrition. This award competition will give historically underrepresented undergraduate students research and travel funding to participate in a poster competition on their completed research project at the American Society for Nutrition’s annual flagship meeting, NUTRITION. In addition to funding to conduct research, the UDRF will also provide travel funding to allow fellowship awardees to present, participate, network, and learn at NUTRITION 2023.

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Postdoctoral Fellowship Funded by American Heart Association

January 03, 2023

The Behavioral Economics to Transform Trial Enrollment Representativeness (BETTER) Center is an American Heart Association-funded effort to understand and improve diversity and representation in clinical trials focused on cardiovascular health. As part of our efforts, we will train several postdoctoral fellows with interests in health services research, clinical trials, trial representativeness, and health inequities.

Post-doctoral fellowships are generally for 2 years in duration, but clinical fellows who propose 1 year of training will be considered. The first fellow began 7/1/22, and we are currently soliciting applications for a fellow who will start 7/1/2023. We may be able to accommodate alternative start dates but may prioritize fellows that can start in July. Fellows can be (1) physicians who would participate during research years within their residency or fellowship training; (2) clinicians (including nurses or other non-physicians) who have completed their clinical training and wish to do a research fellowship (whether or not they have done another fellowship previously); and (3) non-clinicians who have completed a doctoral degree but have not yet been appointed to a full-time faculty position.

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FTG - Dr. Antentor Hinton, Jr. Featured in Endocrine News

January 03, 2023

Dr. Antentor Hinton, Jr., FTG Cohort 8, was featured on Page 30 discussing his laboratory and current research projects in the Endocrine News December 2022. 

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FTG - Dr. Betty Pace Receives Distinguished Researcher Award

January 03, 2023

Dr. Betty Pace, PI FTG,  has received the 2022 Distinguished Researcher Award from Augusta University Research Institute. 

Category: Uncategorized

RISE - Dr. Iris Y Navarro Millan Awarded $2.5M Grant

December 27, 2022

Dr. Iris Y Navarro Millan, RISE Cohort 6, was awarded a $2.5M grant by the Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation for a non-pharmacologic mental health intervention for mental health in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. This is a 5-year grant. 

FTG - Dr. Regina Cordy Receives R21

December 06, 2022

Dr. Regina Cordy, FTG Cohort 8, was recently awarded an R21, "Investigating the role of oxygen on Plasmodium multiplication rate" from National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. 

RISE - Dr. Deanna Wilson Receives R01

December 05, 2022

Dr. Deanna Wilson, RISE Cohort 7, has received an R01 from NIDA for her project, "Teaching harm reduction in vulnerable environments (THRIVE): a peer led intervention bridging acute care settings and the discharge to the community". 

Implementation Scientist at the Associate or Full Professor level - NYU

November 28, 2022


The Department of Population Health (DPH) at the NYU Grossman School of Medicine invites applications for faculty positions in Dissemination and Implementation Science at the level of Associate or Full Professor level with a growing portfolio of research in one of the following priority areas:

  • Pragmatic research
  • Organizational sciences
  • Patient-centered research and evaluation
  • Social determinants of health, including structural racism
  • Health and racial equities focus


Full Job Posting 

OHD - Dr. George Shaw, Jr. Receives Two Publications

November 28, 2022

Dr. George Shaw Jr., OHD Cohort 9, recently received two publications in JMIR formative research and MDPI.

Shaw Jr, G., Nadkarni, D., Phann, E., Sielaty, R., Ledenyi, M., Abnowf, R., ... & Chen, S. (2022). Separating Features From Functionality in Vaccination Apps: Computational Analysis. JMIR formative research, 6(10), e36818. 

 Shaw Jr, G., Zimmerman, M., Vasquez-Huot, L., & Karami, A. (2022, November). Deciphering Latent Health Information in Social Media Using a Mixed-Methods Design. In Healthcare (Vol. 10, No. 11, p. 2320). MDPI.

CVD - Dr. Trudy Gaillard Appointed Endowed Chair

November 28, 2022

Dr. Trudy Gaillard, CVD Cohort 5, was recently named the Dr. Vanessa Von Wertheim Endowed Chair in Chronic Disease Prevention and Care at Florida International University. 

