RISE- Dr. Khadijah Breathett Promoted to Associate Professor
February 19, 2022
Congratulations to Dr. Khadijah Breathett, RISE Cohort 7, on being promoted to Associate Professor of Medicine with tenure at Indiana University.
CVD-CGE- Dr. Imo Ebong Featured in Endocrine Today
February 07, 2022
Congratulations to Dr. Imo Ebong, CVD-CGE Cohort 8, on having research featured in Endocrine Today.
Early Menopause May Bring Higher Risk of HFrEF
OHD- Drs. Roland Thorpe Jr and Gary Bennett Elected to Academy of Behavioral Medicine Research
January 31, 2022
Drs. Roland J. Thorpe, Jr. and Gary Bennett (OHD PRIDE mentors) have been elected to the Academy of Behavioral Medicine Research. The Academy of Behavioral Medicine Research (ABMR) is composed of distinguished scholars elected by their peers for outstanding contributions to behavioral medicine research. ABMR provides a forum for leaders in behavioral medicine to promote excellence in our science, contribute guidance for the direction of the field, and serve as a resource for governmental and academic entities as well as the general public.
AIRE- Dr. Amanda Wilson Published in Annual Reviews
January 26, 2022
Congratulations to Dr. Amanda Wilson, AIRE Cohort 9, on her publication, "Transmission of Respiratory Viral Diseases to Health Care Workers: COVID-19 as an Example" in Annual Reviews.
RISE- Dr. Tashara Leak Receives R21
January 26, 2022
Congratulations to Dr. Tashara Leak, RISE Cohort 8, on the funding of an R21, "The preliminary efficacy of a culturally tailored, telehealth lifestyle intervention for Black adolescent girls with prediabetes: a pilot randomized controlled trial" from NIMHD.
CVD-CGE- Dr. Leroy Cooper Receives K01
January 19, 2022
Congratulations to Leroy Cooper of PRIDE CVD-CGE Cohort 7 on receiving K01 “Vascular hemodynamics and markers of preclinical and subclinical vascular brain injury and dementia” from NHLBI
NHLBI Scientific Director Position
January 14, 2022
The National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI) of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) is seeking exceptional candidates for the position of Scientific Director to provide leading-edge scientific and transformative leadership to its well-established Division of Intramural Research (DIR).
The NIH intramural research program is one of the largest biomedical enterprises in the world, consistently making major contributions to the understanding of biology and clinical medicine. NHLBI is a national and international leader in heart, lung, and blood diseases, and sleep disorders research. The Scientific Director leads NHLBI’s flagship scientific intramural basic, clinical, translational and population science research programs which has been at the forefront of scientific innovation and first in human applications. The DIR’s studies span the clinical research spectrum: from basic science, to the bedside, and ultimately population studies in collaboration with other NIH Institutes. The DIR’s insights into disease mechanisms have long yielded the foundation for translational research into new diagnostic and therapeutic approaches. Some current areas of fundamental interest include single molecule structure, protein assembly, molecular and cell biology, cell signaling and motility, membrane trafficking, physiology, systems biology, and engineering and technology development. Insights into disease mechanisms derived from basic studies form the basis for translational research into new diagnostic and therapeutic approaches.
DIR investigators also conduct bench-to-bedside clinical studies in the areas of interventional and surgical cardiology, pulmonary medicine, rare diseases such as sickle cell anemia, Lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM), bone marrow transplant, and hematologic disorders.
Underlying its broad mission is a research environment utilizing advanced scientific cores, a clinical support program, and partnership with the NIH Clinical Center for state-of-the-art support. Importantly, the DIR also provides state-of-the-art training in basic, translational, population science and clinical research for the next generation of scientific and clinical leaders.
The Scientific Director is responsible for an annual budget exceeding $165 million and a staff of approximately 850 with more than 230 trainees. The NHLBI DIR has 4 Basic Centers and 9 Clinical Branches with 17 tenure-track investigators and 45 tenured investigators along with 13 Core Facilities which provide scientific resources, cutting-edge technologies, and novel approaches to support DIR scientists. In addition to providing scientific and administrative leadership for this premier research enterprise, the Scientific Director is expected to be a nationally/internationally recognized, highly accomplished researcher in heart, lung and/or blood research, and will have the opportunity to maintain an active research group as part of the NHLBI Intramural Research Program.
This position offers a unique and exciting opportunity to provide innovative and transformative scientific, programmatic, and administrative leadership and vision to an Intramural Research Program that aligns with the institute’s broader mission and strategic objectives. The Scientific Director will be responsible for recruiting and providing leadership and inclusive excellence for the NHLBI research faculty; creating and maintaining a research environment that encourages creativity and collaboration among different disciplines; fostering and nurturing a diverse, inclusive, equitable workplace environment; Providing opportunities for scientists and trainees to work together towards a better understanding of molecular machines, the cell, the body, and ultimately the treatment of human diseases; and providing effective administrative management and being an active and valued member of the overall NHLBI executive leadership team.
OHD - Dr. Nicolette Powe Promoted to Associate Professor
January 14, 2022
Congratulations to Dr. Nicolette Powe, OHD Cohort 7, on being promoted to Associate Professor of Public Health at Youngstown State University.
FOCUS- Dr. Francisco Alvarado Receives R01
January 14, 2022
Congratulations to Dr. Francisco Alvarado, FOCUS Cohort 8, on receiving an R01, “Mechanisms of calcium-induced arrhythmias in arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy” from NHLBI.
FOCUS - Dr. Miguel Lopez-Ramirez Receives R01
January 14, 2022
Congratulations to Dr. Miguel Lopez-Ramirez, FOCUS Cohort 7, on receiving an R01, " Mechanisms of hypoxia induced exacerbation of cerebral cavernous malformations" from NINDS.