FOCUS- Dr. Joshua Muia Awarded $1.67M Research Grant
January 14, 2022
Congratulations to Dr. Joshua Muia, FOCUS Cohort 7, on receiving a $1.67M research grant from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences, part of the National Institutes of Health.
Dr. Carolyn Harmon Still Receives R21
January 07, 2022
Congratulations to Dr. Carolyn Harmon Still, AHD Cohort 6, on receiving an R21, "Self-Management and Resilience Trajectories in African American Adults with Hypertension" from NINR.
Open Post-Doc Fellowship Positions at NYU Langone
January 07, 2022
NYU Langone has two open post-doc fellowship positions. One focused on Digital Health Equity, the other on Remote Patient Monitoring and Telehealth.
Anyone interested can reach out to with any questions!
The UC Davis Health, Department of Internal Medicine is hiring a Research Program Manager
January 07, 2022
New opportunity for the new year: The UC Davis Health, Department of Internal Medicine is hiring a Research Program Manager (Academic Program Management Officer 3).
Learn more at
Key job functions: The Research Program Manager will work with Principal Investigator Dr. Susan Brown, whose work focuses on behavioral interventions for chronic disease prevention, women’s health, and health equity, and fostering research training and collaboration in these areas. The successful candidate will be responsible for managing and coordinating day-to-day operations, including developing and maintaining study protocols; tracking timelines to ensure progress on deliverables; budget management; managing cross-institution relationships; data management; leading the preparation of progress reports; contributing to abstracts, manuscripts, and presentations; supporting grant writing; and staffing and supervision.
Qualifications: A master's degree in public health, psychology, or related field, or equivalent experience. Strong organizational and interpersonal skills. Demonstrated knowledge of project management principles, concepts, software, and tools. One or more years of experience in performing and summarizing scientific literature reviews. Demonstrated understanding of study design principles for clinical research and application of statistical data analysis. Intermediate experience using database management software (e.g., REDCap). The ideal candidate will have experience coordinating projects in an academic medical setting, and experience with IRB and clinical trials coordination.
Apply now through January 7, 2022 at
Or, search job number 28303 at
Dr. Itsaso Garcia-Arcos Receives R01
January 07, 2022
Congratulations to Dr. Itsaso Garcia-Arcos, CVD Cohort 9, on receiving an R01, "Regulation of lipid metabolism in pulmonary type 2 cells” from NHLBI.
Faculty Position in Food and Nutrition Equity - Tufts University
December 27, 2021
The Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy at Tufts University ( seeks candidates at any rank for a tenure-track or tenured faculty position on the topic of equity in food and nutrition.
The Friedman School is one of the leading institutions in the world for scholarship and policy analysis in food and nutrition. Our mission is to create trusted science, educate future leaders, and have real impact that improves the nutritional well-being of people worldwide. The School distinguishes itself by its breadth of scholarship, entrepreneurial spirt, and real-world translation. We bring together diverse experts who are committed to work that equitably improves the nutritional well-being of people around the globe, with a history of and commitment to multi-disciplinary research on health disparities, such as the impact of income inequality and other social determinants of health on nutrition and food security, diet-related chronic diseases, food systems, and agricultural production. Our research, teaching and civic engagement spans U.S. and international work on child nutrition and health, nutrition assistance programs, international food aid, humanitarian crises, global dietary transitions and corresponding disease burdens, costs and access to food among other topics.
Dr. Natasha Williams Promoted to Associate Professor
December 27, 2021
Congratulations to Dr. Natasha Williams, CVD Cohort 1, on being promoted to Associate Professor at NYU Grossman School of Medicine.
Dr. Amber Johnson Wins Spot as a 2022 Women as One Escalator
December 27, 2021
Congratulations to Dr. Amber Johnson, CVD Cohort 8, on be winning one of 4 spots as a 2022 Women as One Escalator Award Research Awardee.
Post Doctoral Research Associate-College of Nursing - University of Illinois Chicago
December 27, 2021
The College of Nursing at the University of Illinois Chicago is one of the premier nursing schools in the nation, with undergraduate and graduate programsranked in the top 20 by U.S. News & World Report and a research enterprise ranked No. 1 in the Midwest and No. 8 nationally for NIH funding. Our mission is totransform health, healthcare and policy through knowledge generation and translation, and through education of future nurse leaders from diverse backgrounds.More than 1,500 students are enrolled in bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral programs at our six Illinois campuses: Chicago, Peoria, Rockford, Quad Cities,Springfield and Urbana. We count among our outstanding faculty: seven members of the Sigma International Nurse Researcher Hall of Fame; 30 fellows of theAmerican Academy of Nursing (AAN); and six former deans and professors named “Living Legends” of the AAN. All this at the University of Illinois Chicago,which has six times received the Higher Education Excellence in Diversity Award from INSIGHT Into Diversity magazine. Learn more at
Implementation Scientist Position - Durham VA Healthcare System
December 27, 2021
The Center of Innovation to Accelerate Discovery and Practice Transformation (ADAPT) at the Durham VA Healthcare System is seeking a full-time Implementation Scientist who will oversee key functions within the Optimizing Function and Independence Quality Enhancement Research Initiative (Function QUERI) program in Durham, North Carolina. Information about our QUERI program is available online. These activities are part of our larger Health Services Research and Development Center of Innovation, the Durham ADAPT.