Dr. Paola Rosas receives K01
November 11, 2021
Congratulations to Dr. Paola Rosas, FOCUS Cohort 7, on receiving a K01 (NHLBI) P21-activated kinase 1 is a novel regulator of cardiac and adipose tissue function in females.
Lecturer- Biostatistics, Arizona State University
November 08, 2021
Arizona State University: Office of the University Provost Downtown: College of Health Solutions
Open Date
Aug 15, 2021
The College of Health Solutions (CHS) at Arizona State University (ASU) is seeking a full-time Lecturer for an academic (9-month) position to teach biostatistics, applied statistics, and related courses at the undergraduate and graduate level, and to provide services in the Biostatistics Program to support CHS faculty and students. The anticipated start date is Spring 2022. This is a non-tenure track teaching position. Faculty duties include teaching, with the possibility that some courses may be online [60%, equivalent to 9 credits (typically three courses) per semester]; analytical research support, i.e., providing assistance in conducting statistical analyses, and data processing and management for faculty and students (20%); and service to CHS, ASU and relevant degrees (20%). Applicants must present evidence of teaching experience, a strong commitment to high quality teaching at undergraduate level, and strong analytical skills. This is a fixed-term appointment that is renewable annually. Subsequent one-year appointments may be offered, under the same terms and conditions, at the discretion of the college and university.
Assistant/Associate/Full Professor - Biostatistics, Arizona State University
November 08, 2021
Arizona State University: Office of the University Provost Downtown: College of Health Solutions
Open Date
Aug 14, 2021
The Arizona State University’s College of Health Solutions (CHS) is seeking a full-time, 9-month tenure-eligible/tenured faculty member at the rank of Assistant, Associate or Full Professor in the area of biostatistics to join the CHS Biostatistics Core, and to establish a new Academic Program in Biostatistics. The anticipated start date is Spring 2022. We particularly encourage applications from candidates with a strong potential (Assistant Professor level) or track record (Associate/Full Professor level) in developing and applying new biostatistical methodologies in basic, clinical or population science, and applied interdisciplinary biomedical and collaborative research. The successful candidate will have a strong independent research portfolio in a relevant area of study, strong potential for contributing to team science efforts at CHS and the wider ASU community, and/or for developing close collaborations with CHS investigators, and strong commitment to excellence in teaching and mentoring. As a member of the Biostatistics Program, this position will be expected to spend certain time effort providing biostatistical support (e.g., designing experiments, developing novel analytical approaches, participating in grant applications and publication efforts) to CHS and ASU faculty and collaborators. The candidate for an Associate/Full Professor position should have demonstrated a strong leadership potential, and is anticipated to assume a director role of the Biostatistics Core. An initial contribution for this position is establishing a new Academic Program in Biostatistics along with developing a PhD and MS degrees in Biostatistics. Teaching and mentoring at undergraduate and graduate level is an expectation. Faculty will have opportunities to design courses that align with their research expertise.
BSM Featured in Science
November 08, 2021
Congratulations to Dr. Girardin Jean-Louis, PI BSM, for his work on sleep equity being featured in Science.
Poor sleep takes a heavy toll on communities of color. Can scientists help?
Dr. Sandraluz Lara-Cinisomo received the Medal for Service to the profession from the Marcé of North America (MONA).
November 08, 2021
Dr. Sandraluz Lara-Cinisomo received the Medal for Service to the profession from the Marcé of North America (MONA).
The President and the Board of the Marcé of North America (MONA) award a Medal for Service every two years at the biennial conference. The Medal is awarded to an individual in recognition of a significant contribution in service of the MONA aims, including encouraging the development of novel assessments and interventions, translating science to practice and policy, and supporting the development of diverse perinatal mental health professionals. The Marcé of North America (MONA) is a chapter of the International Marcé Society for Perinatal Mental Health. MONA includes the U.S., Mexico, and Canada.
Assistant/Associate Professor in Basic Nutrition Science - Arizona State University
November 08, 2021
The Arizona State University’s College of Health Solutions (CHS) Nutrition Science program is seeking a full-time, 9-month tenure-eligible faculty member at the rank of Assistant Professor or Associate Professor in basic nutrition science with expertise in precision nutrition, biomarkers of nutrition, dietary intake and diseases; functional foods and food science; obesity-related diseases, and/or other related areas.
Assistant Professor in Biology, MIT
October 27, 2021
Job Description: The Broad Institute together with the Department of Biology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Cambridge, Massachusetts) invites applications for a tenure-track appointment at the Assistant Professor level. The Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard is an independent, non-profit research organization that convenes a community of researchers from across many disciplines and partner institutions—MIT, Harvard, and Harvard-affiliated hospitals. We seek to better understand the root causes of disease and narrow the gap between genetics and biological mechanism to drive innovative approaches to therapeutic discovery. Upon hiring, the successful candidate will be provided with lab and office space at the Broad, a generous start-up package and access to state-of-the-art core facilities.
Dr. LaToya O'Neal Joins Alliance on Climate Health
October 27, 2021
Dr. LaToya O'Neal, OHD Cohort 6, joins The Southeast and Caribbean Climate Alliance to address climate health disparities in vulnerable Florida communities.
Drs. Clifton Addison, Brenda Jenkins, and Monique White Published in Academia Letters
October 27, 2021
Congratulations to Drs. Clifton Addison, CVD Cohort 2, Brenda Jenkins, BSM Cohort 2, and Monique White, BSM Cohort 2, on their publication, "Addressing a lack of African American representation in biomedical research: Jackson State University Jackson Heart Study Graduate Training and Education Center" in ACADEMIA Letters.
Dr. JoAnn Trejo Elected to National Academy of Medicine
October 27, 2021
Congratulations to JoAnn Trejo, PhD, MBA, a UC San Diego FOCUS PI, for being elected to the National Academy of Medicine.